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InsideAssociation is an agent-based association simulator, allowing users to understand how the different parts of an association work together to add members, retain members, and spread the association's message.

Each person is represented by an independent agent, which looks like a circle above a bar. The circle acts as a countdown timer until the end of the person's membership in the association, and the bar indicates level of recent interest in the association and its message.

In the example below, we are just starting a new simulation, and the Membership department is reaching out with a 60 day renewal reminder to one person, and a 120 day renewal reminder to another person. In a few clusters of agents, there is some socializing going on.
In the picture below, we have moved to a point in the yearly cycle where the conference department is sending out a "conference preview" to both members and nonmembers, and the Publications department is sending out monthly journals just to members. While all this is going on, people are still socializing in groups, and the boost in recent interest in the association, by both the conference preview and the monthly journal, is shared among the group.
Below, we're a little later into the yearly association cycle, and a conference is taking place over four days. Conferences are times of intense networking and reinforcement of the association's message among the attendees. You can see all this networking going on in the "conference hall" and you can see that everyone is getting all "charged up" by the high reading on their green bars.

As soon as the conference is over, people return to their homes and schools and their enthusiasm charges up those who are around them.
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