Arthur Schultz diary, April 12 to June 12, 1912, Racine College, Racine, Wisconsin (PDF version here)
Context for this diary: Racine College always had a grammar, or high school, from 1852 to its end in 1933. In 1912, the days of the college curriculum were long past, and Arthur Schultz was in what we would consider a high school curriculum, thus explaining why Racine College kept playing Racine High School (corner of 7th and College Avenue) in sports. Phase of Racine College history: Preparatory school and later years (1889-1933)
From Janet Carter: The April 24th entry about having their “track and Clarkson pictures taken“ refers to the College’s intramural teams.According to an article in the Preservation Racine Summer 2002 Newsletter, “Each pupil on registration was assigned to either the Badger or the Clarkson athletic teams, and many sports were played on an intramural basis. The rivalry was strong—Bill Lewis once climbed the now demolished clock tower on Taylor Hall to take down a Clarkson banner and replace it with a Badger banner. (This was certainly a bit of derring-do.)”
From Shirley Katz: I had to look up “Leslies.” Leslie’s Weekly, was an American illustrated literary and news magazine founded in 1855 and published until 1922. I also wondered what “Bull Ring” meant. Apparently it refers to a training ground.
April 12, 1912
Miss Gootch has a dancing party, which I came late to. She said, “Where have you been all afternoon?” 60 days more of school.
April 13, 1912
I was promoted from 1st Corp of Co. A, to 2nd Serg. Of Co. B.
Went downtown.
Had first Dress Parade on Saturday (to-day)
I write a few letters home.
Good night, I am very sleepy.
10 o’clock
59 days more of school
April 14, 1912
Dress Parade and Battalion review.
Socked for “no cuffs” twice.
58 more days.
April 15, 1912
Junior and Sophomore class meeting. Jeff and I are on the Punch committee. Orders taken for suits to be pressed. I write a letter to Miss L. McCaughy for the dance.
April 16, 1912
Send my suit downtown. I get Serg. Chevrons and stripes.
Mr. Henderson gets mad at me.
April 17th, 1912
I start to fill out my program. Receive a letter from Miss McCaughy.
Very cold, and snow during the afternoon and evening. Jimmy socks me disorder for a general roughhouse.
April 18th 1912
Stopped snowing about 11 o’clock, A.M. Pa Eisenman kicks me out of German class. I walk 50 min. on the Bull Ring. 1st time in about a month. I get pointers on base-ball pitching from Mr. Schuster of the Cubs, Chicago.
April 19, 12
Nice day, I go out and practice throwing ball.
Go over to music room at 8:30 P.M., and practice an anthem for Sunday. (Low notes)
April 20, 12
We have a scrub game of ball. I write a letter home, about our Junior dance, for some money. ????
Pa learns to run his auto – (nit)
Whole school goes to the Bijou (Chester Jack a fine time and show)
I go over to the store this night at 10 o’clock P.M.
Oh I am so tired.
April 21, 12
Jakey Morris, Abe Dostal and Buck Runnals come and visit us. Jake Morris, Runnals my Frat Brothers [ed.: Phi Delta Tau in greek letters] Oh you dear old Chapple [sic] Mr. McMillan gives a sermon on (Whatever you do, do it heartily) a good sermon.
Dress Parade at 4:45
In charge of the C. B first time since here.
Get permit to visit McCaughey 1:30 to 4:30 “Permission is granted to Mutt & Jeff etc”
I feel tired in the evening. So good night shirt.
April 22, 12
Have a good German lesson. I walk the Bull Ring for 50 minutes (abs. roll call)
I then go out and practice throwing the spit-ball. I study hard during the evening.
9:45 P. M. Good Night.
50 more days left.
April 23, 12
7 weeks more school
We have our pictures taken of the Co’s and Battalion. I try to learn the German song entitled “The Reiters Morgengsong”
Get my check cashed.
April 24, 12
6 weeks 6 days left
We have our track, and Clarkson [ed.: Cloakroom?] pictures taken, also the Varsity track and Basket-Ball. I write a few letters in the evening.
I practice the spit-ball and throw it pretty good.
On duty, make inspections
Park Hall 9:45 P. M.
Kemper “ 10:00 “ “
Taylor “ 10:15 “ “
Good Night
April 25, 12
Mr. McMillan gives us a holiday (St. Mark)
Play ball nearly all day. My arm feels sore from throwing.
April 26, 12
We do not have History because Mr. Booth’s mother dies.
I get permit for town from 3:15 to 5:00.
I try slippers.
Won’t do much studying in the evening. We receive our “Mercury” [ed.: newsletter]
Go over to the gym and help decorate. 9:15 to 10:00.
Base-ball game at 2:30 until 4:45. We get beat 9 to 16
Hard Luck.
Go after Lucy for the dance and have a great old time at the dance. Have 7 with her.
Take her home. Takes me 1 ½ to do it.
Come home and go to sleep.
April 28, 12
Sunday a dreamy day.
Go down to the Hotel Racine with Jeff for dinner.
Then go to McCaugheys. They treat us to good eats. Come back in time for Chapple [sic].
April 29, 12
Wake up very sleepy.
Have my lessons pretty good. Practice throwing in the afternoon.
Buy some cake. (Good)
Cole as ice in my room no steam (Good Night)
44 day more.
April 30, 12
Last day hurrah only 43 days of school left.
Had our pictures taken in Dress Uniforms. No consultation period.
Good for old Mac.
I study History for 1 ½ what is the matter with me.
May 1, [19]12
42 more days left. The 1st of the month always passes by without mishaps. Major asks me if I am coming back next year. Det. [detention?] in geometry, 2nd one this month. Study up for my exams.
Good night 10:05 P.M.
May 2, 12
Walk on the Bull Ring for 1:45 hours. David is gets anger at Pinto (O. D)
Chester Jack comes to visit us.
Study hard for the exams.
Good night. 10:15.
May 3rd, 12
40 more days of school.
On duty to-day.
Have exams. I get 85 in geometry, next highest in the class. I do a little cribbing in English exam. Ohg you Bobly!
Study hard on my Histry in the evening which I have an exam in tomorrow.
I have some eats in the room. I have a little lunch by myself at 9:45 AM.
David is gives me an orange for the use of my Leslies.
Good night. 10:15.
May 4th 12
Looked like rain in the morning. I got up at 5 o’clock and studied.
Got 80 in my German exam, the hardest one we have had. It being the next to the highest mark in the class.
We play Emmuels of Milwaukee, they beat us 15 to 14, ought to have been our game, rotten playing. Chig knocked a home run!
All alone at School. Saturday evening. Took a bath. Goodnight.
May 5th 12
Go to Kenosha with Jeff. A good time. 1st beer I tasted since I left home. Permits read from 12 until 4:15 P.M.
Come back and eat a hearty supper.
Brandt gets angry at me, because I went to Kenosha and didn’t train. I study a little.
Good night.
Mary 6th 12
37 more days of sSchool.
I nearly sleep over until 7 o’clock. Neubert awoke me.
I drill off my last 36 minutes. Practice Base-Ball. Then do a little running. Do not eat much for Supper. Go out and do some more running. Write a letter home. Get some cheese and crackers from the store.
I am going to bed early to-night about 9:15. Good night.
May 7th 12
36 more days left. Receive letter with bad news.
A very warm day. Turns chilly during the night.
May 8th 12
Stya in Pa Eisenmans room for German. Nice day
Place base-ball with Racine High. I do the pitching. We beat them 4 to 3.
I strike out 10 men in 4 innings.
Not much studying for to-night.
Going to bed early to-night because I feel tired.
Jeff feels sad and dreary. Poor Jeff.
Going to take a bath. Did then to bed. Good night.
May 9th 12
We again played the Racine High and beat them 13 to 5. I did the pitching.
I woke up about 6:30 A. M. and took a short walk with Jeff.
Bill Crimp rubs my arm in the evening for the game to-morrow (Sat).
May 10, 12
Full Cuire [choir?] rehearsal at 2:00 P.M.
I receive the Pilot from Papa about the accident.
Not much studying. Good night. 10:00 o’clock.
May 11, 12
Rain all day.
No base-ball game. On-duty. My hard luck.
Sherry comes back about 10 o’clock this night, from a 3 wks trip.
Get per. from Jimmy to go to the store at (10 o’clock).
May 12, 12
Exactly one month more of school left. Oh joy. Trained nearly all day (Sun).
Jeff and I go down to Miss Lucy.
Oh that ice-cream and cake etc.
It certainly did taste good.
Back again to get some cold meat for supper. Good night.
May 13, 12
Dr. Shaw give us a holiday, a good day. I practice a little in track. Go out at 2:30 P. M. and practice Base-ball. Not much studying in the evening. Feel very tired. Going to bed at 9 o’clock. Good night.
May 14, 12
Pa Eisenman trys [sic] to bawl me out in German class, by not studying after 8:30 P. M.
An ideal day.
Play the high School bunch, we beat 4 to 3. We sing Psalm for the 14th evening for the last time this year. Not much studying to do in the evening. I received 6 bucks from home, and I answer the letter in return for same. Jeff fills out a program for me to give to Bess. 29 more days.
My 15th 12
Mr. Henderson gets angry at Suess and I [sic] in English class. I feel a little nervous to-night on account of field-day tomorrow. They try to roll the track, not very good success. Exactly 4 weeks left. Go to bed early about 9:15 P. M. Good night.
May 16th, 12
Suppose to be; but on account of rain, was postponed until the next nice day, which happened the day following.
May 17th 12
Field Day, I felt a little nervous. I got 11 points in the meet; 2nd in the High Jump, 2nd in the ½ mile; and 2nd in the mile.
I am nearly all in. My calves of my legs are weak. I go to bed about 9:15 P. M. I take a smoke before I go to bed. Good night.
May 18th 12
25 more days left. (Sat.) I get up as tired as ever. Jeff goes to Milwaukee, and I couldn’t go. Base-Ball game in the afternoon against Union Grove High. We beat, the score was to 2. Pitched the game. First scheduled game won of the season.
Dance to-night but I am not going. Feel too tired.
May 19th 12
Coney and I get permit from Sherry for Kenosha but go and see Jeff downtown. We go to the Orpheum etc.
I break in my pipe.
Get home at 7 P. M. Not much studying.
May 20th, 12
Det. in Geometry. Report for German after drill
On duty.
Rain in the morning and an electrical storming in the evening.
A little shooting going on up in Wheeler’s room etc. (Stewed)
May 21st 12
Major gets angry at our Geometry class. Report at 3:15. Park Hall Common Room.
No base-ball practice. Foggy towards evening. Study my German for the first time in 2 weeks. Take a smoke in the evening. 21 more days left. Good night.
May 22nd 12
We play Wauwatosa Seminary in Base-Ball.
They beat us 13 to 0. I did the pitching. Walked 3 men. They were big men at about 27 years old. No wonder they beat. Marshall W. wakes me at 12 P. M.
May 23rd 12
Very hot day. They Major lets us wear our white shirts. We take a little trip over to the factories as drilling period.
An awful thunder and lightning during the evening.
I’ll bet there wasn’t 2 kids in the Taylor Hall that studied.
Ape had study hour.
Take a few smokes.
Good night.
May 24th 12
We have German Class out on the lawn. Mr. Eisenman wants my pipe, so I wouldn’t get reduced. Good old scout?
Hutchinson sends me the Spectator. Another hot day. Go up to see Willis after supper (Infirmary). Go over to practice at 8:30 P. M. (Basses). A mass meeting in the school room at 9:00 P.M. (Base-Ball). Smell like a tobacco shot. Good bye. 18 more days. Hurrah!
May 25th 12
A beautiful day. We beat Burlington High 9 to 13. I did the pitching for 7 innings. Go down town until 10:30 come back at 11:00 Major waiting for Coney and I. Meet Miss Bess etc. Good night.
May 26th
Coney and I try to get permits to Kenosha but old Sherry didn’t see it that way. We go down town from 3 until 4:30. Not much studying to-night.
10:15 I go to bed. 16 more days of school. So Long, Anne.
May 27th 12
I do not feel like going to school. Some sort of a Saint Day so we get a half holiday.
May 28, 12
Another half holiday. Go down town and get a hair cut. Take a few pictures break the film. I worry about my History final. I study very hard in History. Only 14 more days.
May 29th 12
On duty.
Make up my German which I do not like to do. Major asks me if I am going to bring another boy along and what officership [? Really hard to make out] I will have.
Dress Parade at 5 P.M. High school bunch play base-ball. Take a smoke before I go to bed. Gute Nacht.
13 more days of misery with exceptions (Sat. nights)
May 30th 12
Decoration Day
The non-coms went over to Sherry to strike for a holiday, but of no satisfaction. Then the coms go something. Then old Sherry gives ½ hr. periods instead and a ½ holiday. Take a ride with Evans out in the country.
Get a letter from Lucy, invited me down to Sunday dinner.
Write her a letter.
12 more days.
May 31st 12
Go to the chapple [sic] twice (oh my I am sick of it)
June 1
Hurrah last month of June. Only one more Sat. The Michael-Lewis vs. Case motor works play a game of Base-ball. I do down town to the Orpheum with Jeff. Maj. etc. goes to drill the girls in Kenosha.
June 2nd, 12
Sunday, Bill Suess and I go down to Miss McCaupheys for dinner. It was some dinner. 4 courses served.
Battalion Review and Dress Parade. Maj. comes around in the evening for me to sign the papers etc.
Jeff does it reluctantly.
10 more days of school Hurrah!
June 3rd 12
Peach of a day. Major gives out an order that we can have our mail at recess time if we wish it.
We have calisthenics instead of drill
The swimming tank is opening. I am put in the class with Evans, Gilman, etc.
I do my last German grammar lesson to-day.
Only 8 more days.
Go to bed early.
June 4th 12
Have the choir feed at 7:20 until 9 o’clock P. M.
No stody for us that night. Fine feed. We all had to give a speech. I was the first one to be called on.
Had a little smoke after it.
Write a letter home in regard to more money for car fare to Mpls.
Just think only 7 more days left.
Good night.
To bed at 10 o’clock.
June 5th 12
Write a letter to Bess.
Go down town and by a pair of sporty shoes.
Study hard for Geometry exam tomorrow. I review the whole book.
Mr. Booth visits me about 10 o’clock P. M. I look at my Leslies [very hard to read] before going to bed. I put something down in Goulds memory book.
6 more days.
So long.
June 6th 12
[many blank pages]
Harold Jackson
3826 Troost Ave.,
Kansas City, Mo.
[many blank pages]
[different handwriting]
From sale
2701 Dupont S.,