Racine Journal Times, July 31, 1941
F. A. Morey, 71, Dies in Racine
Frank Arthur Morey, 71, of 1338 S. Main street, active in the business and fraternal life of Racine for many years, died at 1 p. m. today at the home of his son, Frank Arthur Morey, Jr., 1335 Wisconsin avenue, from heart trouble.
Mr. Morey was born in Racine June 6, 1870, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Morey. His grandfather was Roswell Packard, one of the earliest settlers in this section. After attending the Fifth ward school, McMynn academy and the Racine high school, he entered the University of Wisconsin, from which he was graduated with the class of 1891.
Becomes Realtor
Returning to Racine, Mr. Morey became cashier at the Fish Brothers Wagon plant, later accepting a similar position with the Racine Wagon & Carriage Co. He left this position in 1904, and entered the real estate business with his father, D. J. Morey, and younger brother, Wallace, under the firm name of D. J. Morey & Sons.
Following deaths of his father and brother, Mr. Morey continued the business in 1909 and a few years ago took his son, Donald J. Morey, into partnership, under the present name of F. A. Morey & Son.
In his early years, Mr. Morey took part in amateur theatricals and light operas. He was actively identified with fraternal, civic and musical organizations and was a member of St. Luke’s Episcopal church.
He also was affiliated with St. Luke’s choir, Masonic lodge No. 92 (which observed his 50th year as a member in May, 1941), the Delta Pau Delta fraternity, the Racine Real Estate board and other organizations.
Led Racine Club
Mr. Morey was president of the old Racine club which was the cornerstone of the Racine Commercial club, now the Association of Commerce, was president several years of the YMCA and the Racine Real Estate board, and is credited with having done much for the welfare of the city through his many and varied activities. He built the Morey building at Wisconsin avenue and Fifth street, where his offices were maintained, and figured in many large real estate deals during his career in that line.
Survivors are his wife, the former Alice E. Stevens; a daughter, Mrs. Marjorie Latham, of New Bern, N. C.; two sons, F. A. Morey, Jr., and Donald J. Morey, both of Racine; six grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.