Cathy Levis from the Racine History Facebook group suggested this research: “There was a funeral home on Center Street way back. I believe it was run by an Owen McCarthy.”

- October 3, 1888: Owen McCarthy attended the undertakers convention at Milwaukee to-day.
- February 5, 1890: Mr. Owen McCarthy, a worthy young gentleman of this city, has started in business for himself, having opened an undertaking establishment in the Nield block on Main street.
- February 26, 1890: A startling discovery made by Owen McCarthy this morning at his undertaking rooms. A man under the influence of liquor enters the place and sleeps in a coffin.
- April 30, 1890: Yesterday morning Owen McCarthy turned his stock over to A. Cary Judd, who had a chattel mortgage on the stock for $300.
- June 23, 1890: A deadly assault made upon Owen McCarthy about 12 o’clock Saturday night
- June 27, 1890: The preliminary examination of Heinish, Held and Neiberg, charged with assault and intent to kill Owen McCarthy
- April 6, 1895: Owen McCarthy has resigned as undertaker for Hanson, Thronson Furniture Company.
- December 24, 1898: Owen McCarthy [son], 10, student in the Sixth ward school, was burned about the face and hands Friday afternoon while playing Santa Clause on a school program. He reached for a present on a candle-decked tree and the flames spread to his cotton decorated suit.
- June 1, 1901: Owen McCarthy [father], undertaker, is now connected with The Belle City Furniture Co., 220-222 Sixth Street.
- August 24, 1908: McCarthy [son] At Large. It is said that McCarthy is a tough and is generally looking for trouble. He has of late been employed by the Chicago and Northwestern railway. He was born and raised in this city and is a son of Owen McCarthy, formerly a well known undertaker. Cards have been printed, giving a description of the young fellow and the officers hope to capture him before long.
- August 25, 1908: Brutal Attack. Reth May Die. Owen McCarthy [son] of Center St. Made Vicious Assault on Older Man. Gustave Reth died at 3:30 this afternoon. A warrant will be issued for McCarthy on charge of murder. In the notorious saloon, 713 Fourteenth street, which residents made an effort to close, by presenting a petition asking the city council not to grant a license, owing to the fact that it was not a proper location and had been a disgrace to the community, a fight occurred on Saturday night and one man who is unconscious may not survive. Owen McCarthy, 19 years old, residing at 919 Center street, is wanted by the police for making the assault upon Gustave F. Reth, 56 years old, a married man with a wife and nine children, living at 824 Twelfth street. Wanted to Settle Grudge. Young McCarthy entered the saloon in question, and it is said he was somewhat under the influence of liquor. Reth was sitting at a table playing cards. Upon spying him McCarthy started after the man, with the remark that he wanted to get even for some previous difficulty, but he was stopped by spectators. McCarthy challenged Reth to play pool, but he refused. Two games were played with another party and McCarthy lost. Grabbing a chair he again started for Reth, evidently intending to brain him, but others interfered and no damage resulted. Makes the Assault. McCarthy then shook two games of dice. By this time Reth was standing up at the bar. McCarthy struck him on the face and knocked him down. In the fall his head struck the iron rail at the bottom of the bar and he lay still. McCarthy then kicked him in the face and head, one kick taking effect in the right temple. The young man was was with great difficult pulled off the prostrate man and hustled out of the saloon.
- September 16, 1908: McCarthy [son] Caught at Wilmette, Ill.
- November 24, 1908: McCarthy [son] to Learn Fate by Tomorrow. Murder Trial Expected to Reach Jury Late This Afternoon.
- March 3, 1942: Owen E. McCarthy [father] dies, buried in Mound Cemetery. 1869-1942. Age at death: 73.