City of Racine Map Section 3

City of Racine, Map Section 3, low resolution version

City of Racine, Map Section 3, low resolution version

This is a map I bought from Ebay. Before I frame it, I scanned it so that we can all examine it in detail. I scanned it in six different sections and stitched it together in Microsoft Image Composite Editor (ICE). Derek Monroe found the date for this map: “That’s a page from the 1924 Racine and Kenosha Plat book.…

Careful — this links to a full-resolution 19 megabyte JPG: City of Racine Map Section 3

John Buppa says: Todd, that whole section on the lower left including the 5 large lots and the lower section, as far South as Durand I think, were known as the Pierce Farm. Joshua Pierce owned well over 150 acres there at one time. I believe the old Italianate style brick home at 2800 Taylor & Pierce may have been his homestead when he died. The 5 lots you see on that map were owned by his children; Rose Briggs, Anna Selden, Lafayette Pierce, William Pierce & Libby Coryell and Mrs Aaron (Francis) Wood. I’m guessing that’s how Pierce Woods came to be. Here’s Joshua’s obit from 21 Dec 1904.




2 thoughts on “City of Racine Map Section 3

  1. Pierce woods park is in jeopardy of being sold by city council. I am searching for any information about the original donation of the land, and if there are any contingencies as to its use. Any knowledge you may have could be invaluable in saving this beautiful park with old growth hardwoods and diverse population.

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