WRJN Radio Station


  • Broadcast from Hotel Racine, 1927 to almost 1938
  • Switched from 1370 khz to 1400 khz in 1941 (per Janet Hoff Karkow)
  • Broadcast from above the bank, to late 1957
  • Victory Avenue to the present (per Janet Hoff Karkow)
WRRS Now WRJN, Racine Journal News, May 3, 1928
WRJN advertisement in the Racine Journal News, March 2, 1931
Hundreds Visit New Studios of Radio Station WRJN
Control Room Is Heart Of System
Operator Eugene Quinn Has Unobstructed View of Three Studios.
Every program broadcast from WRJN goes through the control room. The operator, Eugene Quinn, has an unobstructed view of the three studios in the station proper. He also is in touch with distant broadcasting points and is governed by the master clock. Everything must "click" in a control room.
Racine Journal Times, March 21, 1938
Janet Hoff Karkow: That’s the 3rd floor of the American Bank Building, now the Racine Art Museum.

Janet Hoff Karkow posts: In response to the post about “Party Line” on WRJN, here are five of the hosts at the 70th Anniversary show in 1996. They are Kay Dawson, Sue Poulsen, Cathy Larsen, Debbie Thogersen and Caroline Peacock. Party Line was started in 1957 by Helen Thomas. She was replaced by Sandy St. John. The show ended around 1997. The Helpful Hints index cards, unfortunately, no long exist.
Janet Hoff Karkow posts: Before all the homes, and the radio station itself as of late 1957, a transmitter building and the tower existed. Engineers stayed there, while the programs took place downtown.
Janet Hoff Karkow: Transmitter building made to blend in. This was Mt Pleasant.
WRJN advertisement in the 1964 Racine City Directory. I like the boast that WRJN reaches 90% more daytime homes than any other Racine County radio station.
WRJN advertisement in the 1964 Racine City Directory. I like the boast that WRJN reaches 90% more daytime homes than any other Racine County radio station.
Janet Hoff Karkow: The newspaper owned WRJN at that time [1952-1953], and participated in community helping events. Donald Karkow was Tom’s father, but we never heard about this effort. Maybe an internal effort for the “welfare” of the employees? Millie French was the long time office manager of the radio station.
Joseph Cooper, engineer, November 1957. A framed copy of this photo hung for several years, up to late September 2018, on the same wall of the main studio, above the glass that had been reduced in size decades later.
Tom Meddaugh: My Uncle Joe was an electrician engineer from 1939 until 1965. He passed away in 2012, at age 97.
Janet Hoff Karkow: He’s included in the archives we maintain. The 1957 picture of him with announcer Lyman Merens in the other studio hung on the same wall in the main studio for many years. Those were the days when engineers ran the equipment.
Saturday Teen Party Line Socks It to 'em on WRJN

By CHRIS DUE Youth Beat Staff

At 6:15 p.m. the "on the air" light blinks, and once again the younger generation is greeted with "Hi Racine."

This is the groovin' Teen-age Party Line, with your host and hostess, Gary Vallancourt from Park, Jan Francis from Case, Betsy Mogenson from Horlick, Jan Roberts from Lutheran, and Linda VanSuster from St. Catherine's.

Teen-age Party Line is on the air every Saturday night from 6:15 to 7:00. Along with the current music, everything ranging from "his" to "her" to "goodbye" and dedications to birthday greetings is broadcasted.

Hit Songs
Hit songs in Racine, whether they be rock 'n' roll or soul, are played during the 45 minute show, and listeners can make requests by calling 644-3411 during the program.

Party Line welcomes calls because the show is exactly what the name suggests — a link between the high schools and activities.

Taped Interviews
The program also has taped interviews with popular recording groups, news that's happening in each high school and the latest scores from sport activities.

Community Involvement
The staff of the program consists of representatives from each high school chosen by the members of the party line, and auditioned at WRJN.

Gary, a senior at Park, is the chairman and emcee of the show. Along with co-chairman Betsy, a senior at Horlick, Gary plans the show about two hours before airing, and usually arrives at the station in mid-afternoon.

Public Service
Party Line welcomes calls because the show is exactly what the name suggests — a link between the high schools and activities.
Racine Journal Times, Dec 17, 1968
WRJN transmitter room from the 1990s. From Janet Hoff Karkow. Harris MW 1A closest to viewer.