Dennis Tully: Here are 2 historic views of the northeast corner of 7th St. and Main St.
600 block of Main Street, 1964 Racine City Directory
East side of street (odd numbers)
601-607 Federal Building, Post Office
202 USN Recruiting Station
204 USMC Recruiting Station
205-19 Collector of Customs
US Department of Health
Bureau of Old Age and Survivors Insurance
Social Security Administration
611 Janes David G Co real estate
Janes Realty Co
Janes Security Co inv bankers
617 Vacant
619 Christensen’s Draperies and Interiors
625 Frank’s Adjustment Bureau Inc collections
Racine Collection Agency
Medical – Dental Hosp Serv Bur
Konnak & Constantine lwyrs
Junior League of Racine Inc