All about Racine, Wisconsin's long and interesting history
Dombrowski Millinery aka Dombrowsky
August 24, 1895. Obituary of August J. Dombrowski
Sudden Death, August 24, 1895 August J. Dombrowski Expires Suddenly of Heart Disease. August J. Dombrowski, an old and honored citizen, died suddent at an early hour this morning at his home, 1424 Marguette street, of heart failure, aged 61 years and 11 months. Deceased was enjoying perfect health yesterday and worked an hour overtime at the Racine Basket factory where he was employed. His wife awoke and discovered that he was in a dying condition and Dr. F. N. Sauer was sent for, but when he arrived Mr. Dombrowski was dead. On account of the suddenness of death, Coronor Stripple was called and held an inquest. The testimony was in effect that Mr. Dombrowski retired in as good health as usual, that his wife discovered he was dying and remedies were applied and the doctor summoned. The jury, composed of Sigwald Nelson, F. S. Hone, H. Ritter, John Gerhauser, John Stecher and G. Kaiser, returned a verdict that death resulted from heart failure.
Deceased was a blacksmith but had not worked at it for a number of years. He had been a resident of the city for about 20 years and was honored and respected by all who knew him. He was a member of the Sacred Heart society. A wife, four daughters, Mrs. Mary Dietrich of Denver, Colo.; Mrs. William Leimback, Misses Constance and Alice Dombrowski of this city, and two sons, Michael Dombrowski of Walla Walla, Washington, and Frank Dombrowski of this city, survive to mourn the death of a kind husband and father. Time of funeral will be announced.