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Arthur J. Schroeder, 1884-1965
Birth index. Arthur was born in November 22, 1884.Percy and Arthur, brothers, travel to Vienna, Wis. for a week’s visit. From the Racine Daily Journal, July 8, 1905. Arthur would have been 21 years old. Vienna, Wisconsin was where their father, Joseph, met their mother, Bertha.Here is Arthur in the 1908 Badger yearbook of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I like his brief biography: “A night out, but still a good fellow.”From the Racine Journal, February 25, 1908. Arthur is just out of college and is, with his brother Percy, “are in control of dry goods house.” Arthur was 24 years old.Schroeder Dry Goods profile in the August 9, 1917 Racine Journal News. Arthur is listed as treasurer. He was 33 years old.World War 1 draft registration card, 1917-1918. Arthur was 33.Racine Journal News, January 15, 1925. The father, Joseph Schroeder, died without a will in Chicago on December 27, 1924. The heirs to the estate are the widow, Ida B. Schroeder and two sons, Percy E. Schroeder and Arthur J. Schroeder. Arthur was 41 years old.Arthur and Percy Schroeder, Racine Journal News, July 1, 1925Schroeder Dry Goods Company congratulates the Zahns on the opening of their new building on Monument Square. Racine Journal News, October 5, 1925. Edward Zahn Sr. had been employed by Joseph Schroeder, founder of Schroeder Dry Goods.Just a year after the father Joseph’s death, Percy Schroeder announced the dissolution sale of Schroeders Dry Goods. Racine Journal News, July 24, 1926.Racine Journal News, October 19, 1926 Remember Joseph, the father, died in December 1924. It seems like Percy made some moves, including moving from their longtime location. Seems like it was a mistake. Looking at Google Streetview, 313 Sixth Street is what I would think of as one of the Porter buildings that were put together to make one big building on Sixth and Wisconsin. Of course, in 2021, the Porter buildings are long gone.Schroeder Dry Goods Co. ordered sold by the creditors, Racine Journal News, May 19, 1927Racine Journal News, June 8, 1927. “The Leader Store buys the Schroeder Dry Goods Company stock from the creditors.” Did Percy and Arthur bankrupt the store founded by their father in 1892? This is only two years after the death of their father, Joseph Schroeder.Racine Journal Times, November 15, 1934, Arthur was elected trustee in the newly formed Public Service Employees Union of Wisconsin. Arthur would have been 50 years old.The will of Bertha Schroeder is in court, according to the December 28, 1935 Racine Journal Times. Bertha is the mother of Percy and Arthur.Interesting mention of Arthur J. Schroeder being a floor manager at Zahns in 1938, when he would have been 54. Racine Journal Times, December 5, 1938.World War 2 draft registration card, 1942. Notice that Arthur was 58 when he filled out this draft card, and he was still living at 837 Lake Avenue.Wisconsin Death Index that says that Arthur died on August 7, 1965.(Photo from Pete Sisak) “Tablecloth given by Art Schroeder. Belonged to Mrs. Bertha Zahn Schroeder. Woven by hand by a Zahn ancestor in German and brought to this country.”