Bessie Bull Guilbert

Bessie Bull Guilbert from Gerald Karwowski’s collection

  • June 3, 1873: Bessie (Elizabeth Margaret) is born to Stephen Bull and Ellen Catherine Kellogg
  • 1880 — Bessie’s mother, Ellen Catherine Kellogg Bull, dies at age 50
  • Wednesday, January 2, 1895, The Racine Daily Journal: BACHELORS, BELLES. Tendered a Most Brilliant Reception and Ball. “The arrangements were in the hands of Miss Bessie Bull, one of the most admired belles in the city.”
  • June 18, 1895 (or June 22, 1895): Bessie is married to Albert Arthur Guilbert.
  • Racine Weekly Journal, December 19, 1895: “Mr. and Mrs. A. Arthur Guilbert royally entertained the active members of the Racine Athletic Association’s foot ball club, at an informal dinner last evening at their handsome home, 107 Eleventh street.” [See full article below.]
  • son Francis Warburton Guilbert born in 1896
  • son Gordon M. Guilbert born in May 24, 1898
  • Racine Daily Journal, August 28, 1899: “Wednesday, Aug. 23, at the grounds of the Racine Golf Club the ladies played a handicap match of singles for a cup presented by Mrs. Arthur Guilbert. Mrs. H. T. Fuller won the match and cup.”
  • Racine Daily Journal, November 27, 1900: “Mrs. A. Arthur Guilbert won the ladies’ 9 hole medal play and the prize given by Mrs. E. L. Baker on the morning of July 4th.”
  • June 29, 1906, petition by Frank K. Bull and Mrs. Bessie Guilbert against paving Lake Avenue between Eleventh and Twelfth Streets, Racine Daily Journal
  • Bessie “Controlled a Fiery Horse” in Monument Square, Racine Daily Journal, July 31, 1907
  • daughter Ellen Guilbert born in 1908
  • Racine Journal News, December 21, 1912: “Tea at Green Gables Is Brilliant Affair.” (Party for 200 people.)
  • Racine Journal-News, Thursday Afternoon, April 12, 1917. Women’s Club Busy in Garden Scheme. “Mrs. Guilbert and Mrs. Huguenin were asked to find what vacant lots would be available for gardening.”
  • November 15, 1913 — Bessie’s father, Stephen Bull, dies
  • Bessie’s husband A. Arthur Guilbert dies on April 3, 1922.
  • June 12, 1922, John B. Simmons [judge] and Florence A. Morgan [law office manager] appointed General Guardians to Bessie B. Guilbert, “an incompetent.”
  • Bessie becomes ill, roughly April of 1926.
  • Bessie dies in April 13, 1928, in Hotel Racine. See obituary below.
  • Racine Journal News, June 12, 1928: “In the matter of the Guardianship of Bessie Bull Guilbert, an incompetent — Notice of Hearing. … Elmer E. Gittins, County Judge.”
  • Racine Journal Time, October 28, 1938: Hearing on petition for termination of Stephen Bull memorial trust, Bessie Bull Guilbert
  • Racine Journal Times, April 19, 1939: First National Bank & Trust Co. as trustee of a trust under the will of Bessie Bull Guilbert, to David and Lucille Fergus, lot 8, block 2, Lockwood addition.


Sturgeon Bay Door County Democrat, June 22, 1895

A Quiet Wedding

Miss Bessie Bull of Racine will Become Mrs. Arthur Guilbert

Racine, Wis., June 18. — [Special.] — At 6 o’clock this evening Miss Bessie Margaret Bull, the fourth and youngest daughter of Stephen Bull, will be united in marriage to Arthur Guilbert at the residence of her parents on Eleventh street. The Rev. Arthur Piner of St. Luke’s Episcopal church will perform the ceremony. The bride will be attended by her sister, Mrs. Frederick Robinson of Denver, Col. The marriage will take place in the bay window of the west parlor. The back window will be decorated with palms and overhead will be smilax and roses. The bride will be attired in a Persian costume and she will carry lilies of the valley. There will be no bridesmaids nor groomsmen. After the ceremony there will be a wedding supper in the dining room, which will be decorated with pink and white roses. The wedding will be a quiet affair, only the family relatives and a few intimate friends being present. This evening the couple will leave for Delavan where they will spend a month.

107 11th Street, Green Gables

Dinner at 107 Eleventh street

Racine Weekly Journal, Thursday, December 19, 1895

An Informal Dinner

Tendered the Athletic Association’s Thanksgiving Day Foot Ball Players

Mr. and Mrs. A. Arthur Guilbert royally entertained the active members of the Racine Athletic association’s foot ball club at an informal dinner last evening at the handsome home, 107 Eleventh street. It was a joyous gathering of sturdy athletes who victoriously participated in the memorable Thanksgiving day game, when the Manahattans of Chicago were taken into camp after a stubborn contest. As each guest entered the spacious parlors he was cordially greeted by the host and his estimable wife.

The dining room was profusely decorated with ferns, potted plants and cut flowers and royal blue, the club’s color, was conspicuously displayed on every hand. Beneath the chandeliers and directly above the table was a full sized foot ball, tastefully entwined with royal blue ribbon. At each plate was a unique souvenir. It was a miniature foot ball mounted upon a gold pin and entwined in a bow of royal blue satin ribbon. On the foot ball was the inscription “R. A. A. 1895.” The dinner was served in courses and concluded with a smoker, after which the balance of the evening was spent in social conversation, in which plans were outlined for ’96. The guests departed loud in their praises of the hospitable manner in which they were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Guilbert. Those present were: W. M. Lewis, Charles Hoker, Fred Sugden, R. A. Morse, Herbert Johnson, Frank Guilbert, Glen Dixon, Herman Smieding, Ernst Hueffner, Stewart Harbridge and George Herzog.


Racine Journal News, April 13, 1928

Death Summons Mrs. A. A. Guilbert

Was Well Known Woman, Daughter of Late Stephen Bull.

Known for Many Deeds of Charity

Prominently Identified With Racine Social Activities

There passed away this morning at 3 o’clock at Hotel Racine one of the city’s best known and most beloved women, Bessie Maude Guilbert, widow of A. Arthur Guilbert.

For the past two years she had lived under a pall of sickness but that did not in any degree obscure the kindness and charity for which she was noted throughout her life.

She was the daughter of Stephen and Ellen Catherine Kellogg Bull and was born in this city. Her father was one of Racine’s most prominent manufacturers, identified with the early history of the Case T. M. company. Her education was received in Kemper Hall and at Mrs. McMurphy’s home school and with Blanche Witty Howard, the authoress, in Stuttgart, Germany.

Foremost in Charity Work.

She was married to A. Arthur Guilbert on June 16, 1895. Until her recent illness she was prominent in club and social circles and, although active at a time when charity was not as perfectly organized as now, was never known to refuse aid to any in trouble, financial or otherwise. Her heart was close to the little ones and she spent much time at city baby clinics and city nurses. Mrs. Guilbert left in the hearts of her many friends memories of thoughtfulness and kindness to the very last.

She is survived by two sons, Warburton, of New York, and Gordon M., of this city; one daughter, Ellen, of Beverly Hills, Calif.; one sister, Mrs. Frederick Robinson, New York city, and two grandchildren.

Funeral to Occur Monday.

The funeral will take place Monday afternoon at 1 o’clock at the Thronson funeral home in South Main street, and the body will be taken to Forest Home cemetery, Milwaukee, for cremation.

Honorary pallbearers will be Dr. VonBruddenbrock, A. J. Lunt, H. V. Johnson Jr., Charles Armstrong, J. V. Rohan, M. E. Walker, Jerome Case, Henry Rogers, Edward Wratten, Charles Wratten, E. B. Hand and William Connolly.

Bessie Bull Guilbert, 1873 – 1928