Bonnie contacted me through the Racine History website from California. She found a very nice leather-bound photo album with photos taken in a Racine photo studio. She would like to know if anyone recognizes these family photos.
Edit: Behind the standing woman, there was a name written — Gertrude. Bonnie says “Good eyes! I didn’t even notice that writing! It’s actually on the photo behind the standing woman on an infant which it has a name!” The handwriting says: 4 1/2 mos. old. Gertrude Chandler.
Edit 2: Bonnie sent me two more photos and this one has a name and an age on it: 10 years 10 months, Edmund Chandler

Gil Knapp: Found Gertrude’s parents in Family Search – Dexter D. And Harriet Chandler. Living at 1022 Washington Ave. in 1897 directory.
Dexter dies in 1899 and I didn’t find Harriet in later directories.
Gertrude and her new husband Frank Kennedy show up in the 1910 census in Racine living at 1008 1/2 Washington Ave.
Based on other comments here, the album is probably all of the Chandlers living in Racine when Gertrude was 4 1/2. Good luck putting names to each picture.
Clearly one of them is James Chandler.
Rick Podoba: I think I can shed some light on it:
Charles Baldwin Ticknor lived at 1022 Washington Ave, died 1898
His daughter; Harriet “Hattie” was married to D.D. Chandler, also lived at that address
Their daughter; Gertrude born in 1885, married Harry Francis “Frank” Kennedy and they moved to Los Angeles with Hattie and their daughter Joanne, born in 1929.
Both Harry and Hattie died in 1932 in Los Angeles.