Personal Mention. (from the back page)
- The Misses Hettie and Amanda Case accompanied by their mother Mrs. J. I. Case left for New York on Thursday morning.
- Mayor Packard and the Aldermen Blake and Whitely attended the obsequies of the late James A. Garfield at Cleveland on Monday.
- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Palmeter have returned from their western visit.
- Dr. and Mrs. S. J. Martin visted in Chicago this week.
- Hal Cooper delivered an able address on the occasion of the memorial services held at Burlington on Monday.
- Wm. Mitchell left Racine after a visited with his parents for his home in Olympia, W. D. on Monday. Mrs. Wallace, his sister, accompanied him as far as Omaha.
- Mr. S. J. Philbrook is visiting for a week in Boston, his old home.
- Miss Florence Marsh, of London, and Miss Amelia Marsh, of Waukesha, guests of Mrs. A. C. Sandford for several weeks, left on Tuesday for New York from where they sail for England, the latter part of October.
- Emil Kaempfer, of Plattsville, is visiting at home in this city.
- Miss Lou Baker returned on Wednesday from a brief visit at Fond du Lac.
- Geo. Bliss and Frank Sweetner go to Colorado shortly.
- Mr. E. L. Baker, of Red Wing, Minn., is the guest of his brother Hon. R. H. Baker.
- Mr. Joseph Harman departs for Aurora Ill., to accept a position. He carries with him the best wishes of a host of friends.
- Miss Lizzie A. Davis and Mr. Oscar Winship left for Boston Wednesday afternoon on a visit, Miss Davis also to study elocution.
- Michael Smollen returned to his new home at Madison, D. T. on Wednesday, after a several weeks’ visit in Racine.
- Mr. Mentor Wetzstern, for the past two weeks visiting at Mr. P. B. Harmon’s returned to his home in Cincinnati Tuesday.
- Mr. Edwin White Moore returned on Thursday from a trip through the western territories.
- Alderman Fish was of the committee representing the city at Garfield’s funderal in Cleveland on Monday.
- Mrs. John Krantz and daughter with Mrs. W. Krantz and sister, left for Milwaukee on a short visit Tuesday.
- T. W. Buell, Esq., of Milwaukee, was in town on Wednesday, and called at this office.
Some business excerpts from the back page:
- Wm. Roy was sworn in as special Policeman on Wednesday.
- The Bohemian Society give a dance at Dania Hall this Friday evening.
- Potatoes will soon bring a high price if the present steady advance continues.
- Mr. H. W. Hurlburt has purchased the Burdick brick-yard near North Point at Sheriff’s sale for $500.
- Prof. Ourst opened a dancing school in the Odd Fellows’ Hall over the Post office Wednesday evening.
- Water troughs and drinking fountains have been put on the streets along Main street and are much appreciated.
- Another shooting gallery is to be put into the Langlois building on Main street next north to the Huggins House.
- It is estimated that between eight and ten thousand people attended the memorial services at East Park on Monday.
- Houses to rent are in great demand, and house hunting is a popular and agreeable pastime. Rents are also increasing.
- Some of the boarding houses have raised the price 50 cents a week, on account of all kinds of provisions becoming dearer.
- Some of the drapery about town as been taken down by residents, while others intend to keep theirs up for thirty days.
- Mrs. Thos. Wood, of Villa street, died last Saturday night of typhoid fever. The funeral took place at 2’clock Tuesday afternoon.
- Marlotte blacksmith shop on State Street burned early Wednesday morning. The fire department was prompt but could save little.
- The members and friends of the Congregational Church Society give their new paster a reception at the residence of Mr. E. B. Fish, this Friday evening.
- All relics of the civil ware, now in possession of soldiers or citizens are wanted for exhibition at the comming soldiers monument fair. Good care and a safe return is promised.
- The grading of the approaches to the Sixth street viaduct is progressing slowly but surely, and will soon be completed. It will greatly improve the looks of the city and the usefullness of the street.
- Next Saturday the employes of Fish Bros. & Co. give their annual excursion to Chicago and return. The management of these excursions is always the best and to the satisfaction of all who participate.
- Mr. A. P. Dutton has sold to C. A. Handee, of Milwaukee, his three year old mare “Swigert Girl.” The horse promises to be fast, and will probably distinguish itself on the Milwaukee avenues.
what is going on with the drapes in the windows. some took down drapes others remained up for 30 days . Did national person die?